"It is indisputable that we, and especially us in the fashion industry, have a big task on our hands. Years of overproduction, overconsumption and misuse of resources must come to an end to enable us to leave a better planet than the one we are living on now. The tangible actions for us are to increase the use of fibers that are better for our environment, use less polluting transportation, recycle and reuse textiles, sort waste and encourage to re-sell old styles giving them a longer lifetime to the pleasure of a new owner. And we are already doing that. But to succeed in the long run, we need to change our individual mindset and start living more responsible. Not only at special occasions, but in our everyday life, which is an enormous change. And to really succeed in doing so we believe that change must be done gradually. From our end, we start by the mentioned initiatives and by suggesting consumers to choose a wardrobe of better qualities and more long-lasting fashion.
Having said that, a continuous healthy lifestyle also includes a glass of wine once in a while and a lasting diet must contain a cheat day to be able to maintain the motivation. Therefore, we to some extend allow ourselves to have a few pieces in our wardrobe that may not be perfect from an environmental point of view but is of good quality and will spark joy for years."
—Steen Engelbrecht, Former CEO, Minimum

When browsing through our collections online, you will experience that many of our styles are marked with an IMPACT tag. This means that the style contains organic, recycled, or cellulose fibers. Other than highlighting styles, the IMPACT name itself is our cluster for everything we do relating to our responsible development. This includes our corporate social responsibility strategy, our environmental and socially responsible collaborations, as well our capsules that supports circularity.